Thursday, December 15, 2011

Oh Wal-Mart

There are some places that you don't want to be during the holiday season unless you have to.  One of those places is Wal-Mart. There are so many people in the store everyday and the line ups get insane after a while.  The worst part is that the customers get grumpy in the line and take it out on the poor cashiers.  All the cashiers can do is smile, nod and check the people through as fast as possible.  It is because of this frustration that I like the fact that I only get short 4 hour shifts.  That way I'm not completely exhausted by the time I get home.  I also get out of the building without wanting to punch someone.

One thing that may have helped me during this busy season was proper training.  Although I now know about fraud and how to clean up barf I have no idea how to do practical things like: what to do when someone comes with a competitor price, how to input rain cheques, who to ask for more bags, how to get change.  Although we have to do some training there was little practical training.

Oh well, they pay me decently and I hardly ever get horrible customers.  Now for some sleep, lots and lots of sleep!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


As much as I love being a freak, it does have its downside.  I have nothing in common with the people around me.  I am a Christian, but even with that I don't connect with other Christians my age.  I like watching tv and movies, but not the ones the are popular.  I love reading books, but I have very high standards so I end up reading less known books.

When it comes to getting along with other Christians, I have a few problems.  First of all my definition of Christianity is different form other people's.  For me being a Christian means having a personal relationship with God and wanting to live my life the way He has planned.  Part of that is wanting to please Him by following the rules He wrote in the bible and learning what He wants me to do with my life.  Another problem I have is I don't understand a lot of the worries that they have.  In bible studies I have heard people asking questions about God that I think are weird.  One example is when one girl asked why God let bad things happen.  For me the answer is simple: God made us all with free will and He wont step in unless He's asked.  If He was to stop people from doing bad things then it would mean that He took away their free will.  So for me there's no mystery.

I would write more, but I should go to sleep soon, I had a migraine this morning and I think my fever is trying to make a comeback.  In short, I'm not normal!!! :P  And I have a slight problem with connecting to people, but that just means I have to go out and look for more freaks to hang out with!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Scary Public Private Information

I just watched a Doc Zone (yes, I love watching documentaries in my spare time) about the amount of private information that's put up on Facebook.  First of all, I don't like facebook.  I don't mind sharing my day with my friends, but I only want to share it with my friends.  I don't really understadnt eh concept of "facebook friends".  If I don't know a person in real life I'm not going to have them on my facebook. Secondly, why do people put up such stupid things on facebook?!?!?!

There are things that you should put on facebook (graduation ceremonies, hiking trips, weddings) and things you shouldn't (party pictures).  Of course, if you're like me you have a name that's fairly common (I think there are about 80 people with the same name as me on fb right now) so the chances of an employer finding you is slim.  However, there are still ways to find people on facebook and if someone like a prospective employer finds you on facebook and discovers the summer party pictures, they might not give you another call.  It's to the point now that if someone has me tagged in a picture I remove that tag (now that they finally let you!) and I try to avoid situations when I might get a weird picture taken of me.  On the bright side, I don't like partying anyway so the chances of a questionable picture of me being taken is slim to none, but I know people who are trying to look for jobs now that they've graduated university and are having a hard time because of those pesky frosh party photots.

I admit that I have some information of facebook too.  I think you can see my name and age, and if you're my friend you can see my birthday, photos and interests, but I like to keep to myself as much as possible.  I even try to keep this blog fairly anonymous.  I know I haven't mentioned my name, I don't think I've said my age, I'm not even sure if I've mentioned my gender (though you can probably easily guess).  It is rather easy to guess whereabouts I live, but there aren't many options when you move to Newfoundland.  I don't even like telling people about me face to face.  It's not that I think that everyone is bad,but I think that trust should be earned, and how is anyone supposed to do that over the internet?

In the end, I guess I just don't get social media.  It can be nice to keep up with old friends and plan events but I don't like everyone seeing into my personal life.  Having everyone reading my thoughts as I think them is creepy (which is why I read over every blog post more than once to make sure nothing weird is in them) and I'd rather not have that happen!!!  so be safe, and set your privacy setting!!! And if you want to be extreme like me, when you sign up for something and they ask for you to put a location in your profile, type that you're in outer space, on the sun or in wonderland!!!
  You stay safer and others get a giggle :D

Why are There No Good TV Shows?

I know that not all of the new shows this season are bad, but there are only two that seem interesting.  Of course there's always Fringe, Castle, and House to watch when I'm bored, but I was hoping that there would be a good scifi show.  Don't get me wrong, I'm loving Once Upon a Time and Grimm looks interesting, but I want my geeky scifi back!

And for those who say that there are a bunch of good scifi I will have to let you know about my standards for a good tv show.  First of all, the show can't have sex, or at least not in your face sex (I can let a hint at it in the next room sort of thing slide) in the show.  I don't need to see that and it usually ruins the story.  Secondly, it has to have fairly clean language.  All swearing does is demonstrate how limited your vocabulary is and how unimaginative the writers are. If you think that that much swearing is normal, go read a dictionary.  Thirdly, the contents of the show have to be plausible or explained well enough in the show to make you think it's plausible.  For example, Doctor Who has ridiculous science (like time travel) but at the same time it has ideas about technology taking over the world.  For example, we all know that there are no such things such as cybermen, and yet the thought that our need to connect instantly with others and share information in the most efficient way possible was the cause of the downfall of the world makes us feel uncomfortable.  I like shows that use social norms to make the viewer feel uncomfortable.  Lastly, the show has to have good characters.  If a show has overly serious or one dimensional characters I can't stand to watch them!  So if you know of anything that fits all of that then let me know!

Now I better get back to studying.....  But now all I need to do is finish a couple papers and study for finals. Oh and get a job, that would help too :D   

Sunday, October 30, 2011

What am I Going to Do?

I keep getting asked by people which coast I'm going to live on after I graduate from university. First of all, I would like to point out that I wont be finished for another three or four years.  Secondly, as much as I love beautiful British Columbia, I've come to enjoy the history in St John's.  Thirdly, I have never been one toreally think that far ahead. 

So far in my life I've only planned ahead in a general sense.  For example, when I was in high school I planned to go to university, but I never planned to go all the way across Canada.  Although there were jokes about me coming to Newfoundland for university I never took them seriously.  The only reason I chose Memorial was because I did a google search and MUN was one of the first options.  After seeing the price, I couldn't say no.  But when it comes to what I'll do after MUN, it all depends on what my life at the time is like.  Depending on whether or not I'm married, or dating, or single will impact my decision.  In the end, it's all up to what God wants me to do.  If He wants me to go back to BC, I'll end up there,if He wants me to stay, I'll stay.  That's just the way it goes.  At this point in time I'm more worried about how I'm going to finish my classics paper on time than where I'll be living in four years.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Little Home Sick

Indian Painbrushes: my favourite wildflower!
I miss all the green!
 While taking a break from studying I decided to go through the files on my computer and I found some pictures of home.  Well, pictures of the woods around home.  As much as I try to convince myself that I'm in a new home, it still feels like a temporary stop.  I still feel like one of these days I'm going to hop on  a plane and return home and it'll be just as I left it.  I know that not everything will be the same, there are already new buildings going up, but I hope that the wood will be the same no matter what.  While looking at some pictures I found some that I really loved.  So here they are!  Sorry that they''re in a weird order, blogger wont let me move them the way I want them!

the butterfly is so pretty

These flowers are so small they're cute :D

I just love this rock face!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Evil Fever

I woke up this morning looking forward to going to class.  I was supposed to learn about politics in ancient Athens, sex and the politics of reproduction, Australopithecus, the Seleukids, and the ideologies of the industrial revolution.  Instead I'm stuck in bed trying not to pass out.  If you're wondering how bad my fever is, let's just say that I could heat the water for my mint tea with my forehead.  Not that I'm not used to getting fevers, but they usually don't happen without reason.  the reason for this fever happens to be eluding me.

I know that midterms have just passed and I don't have a job, but I've been going through that stress for months now so I don't know why I might be getting a stress fever now.  And although I do like to walk around in the cold in what other people might call "thin clothing" I have never actually gotten sick directly after walking around in the cold.  That and I warm up when I walk no matter what I'm wearing, and my new coat is warmer than my hoodie, even if it's not as flexible.  Then again I do get sick whenever there's a storm around and there was a bunch of wind yesterday.  That could be it.  Or it could be a mixture of all that together.

In any case, my head hurts and I can't stand up without falling over.  I think it's safe to say that staying home in bed for the day is a good idea.  And maybe I'll even have scrambled eggs for lunch.  And even though I can't go to class I can still read my books and take notes from them.  Speaking of which it's time that I start reading about Sparta.  Write to ya laters!! 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Things I Miss and Things I don't

Sunrise as seen from my room on the fourth floor of Bowater house.
I admit that since I've moved out of the on campus residence there are a few things that I miss.  For one thing, there were always people to talk to (read eavesdrop) in res and although it sometimes gave me a hard time when I was trying to sleep, it meant that I never felt lonely.  I also miss seeing people in the halls as I walked back to my room.  Even when I had completely different class schedules than my room mate there was always someone whose schedule was similar to mine.  Living in a house off campus, I rarely see my roommates because of the different schedules.  And when they are home for the night I'm usually getting ready for, or already in, bed (you tend to fall asleep early when you wake up at 5am every morning whether you want to or not).  But the thing I miss the most about res is the view from my room.  It always managed to take my breath away.  I also miss only having to walk across campus to get to class, but since it's only a few more minutes to walk from my houseit's not too bad.

What I don't miss is all the house events and parties.  I'm naturally introverted and I like being that way.  If I am going to go to an event I'll go of my own free will because I want to, not because someone told me that I have to go to show support for a house that caused me a great deal of insomnia.  Not that all house events were bad.  In fact I would suggest that anyone living on campus take part in at least half the house events.  However, it was not for me.  I personally don't like staying up late and hanging around in large groups.  Lots of people in a room makes me nervous and I stop talking.  I also have problems relating to people as I don't like most movies, I watch weird (but amazing) shows, I like anime, and I only listen to christian music (along with some classical).  So unless I'm taking the same courses, or another person has the same interests as me it's hard for me to get into a conversation with a stranger.  So, I like living with only a few people.

One problem I have here in this house though is there are four girls that share one shower and every time I have to go brush my teeth at night there's someone in the bathroom!  Anyway, with all that said, I'm off to bed!

Just a Small Thank You

I almost forgot!  I would like to thank those who read my blog (especially those who aren't related to me) for actually reading my blog.  I would especially like to thank the person (or persons) in the Netherlands (over half of my over seas views come from there) that keep reading my blogs.  I never expected someone outside of Canada and United States to read my blog, so THANK YOU!!!

It's Official, I'm a Geek!!!

Of course everyone that has known me for over 2 years knows that I am a freak.  I mean this in the best way possible.  I am a freak in the sense that I don't fit in the mold of what most people consider to be a "normal teenage Canadian",a fact that I am rather proud of.  And although I love being outside of the mold, I have always found it hard to find friends.  Unfortunately, most other people my age are trying to fit into the mold so they can be accepted and find friends.  For me to find someone that's interested in what I am and enjoys talking about it is rare thing, so in most cases I only find such people on fan sites. However, the unimaginable has happened today!

On my way back from Future Shop (I got a ride up there to get my wireless keyboard, but then my ride got stuck in traffic so suggested I take the bus back) I was standing at the bus stop where I have to transfer buses.  Normally it's only a 10 minute wait, but this time my bus had arrived early and the second bus was running 15 minutes late.  After having to stand in the insane wind (apparently gusts up to 90 km/hour) and rain someone else decided to seek shelter at the bus stop.  The girl looked around my age and was listening to some music.  When she went to take her ipod out of her jacket (and yes it was an actually ipod, not just any mp3 player) I noticed that she was listening to Superchick!  I got a little excited and was trying to figure out what to say when she turned to me and asked if I knew where to buy christian music.  An odd question, but a good conversation starter.  From there we talked about shows we liked (Fringe, Doctor Who, Grimm, and several anime came up) as well as music, manga, and books.  There were a few differences of opinion, but we agreed about most things.  We talked the entire time we waited for the bus and while we rode the bus. In the end we got off at our own stops and never asked for eachother's contact information.  The really cool part happened two hours after I got home. 

I went onto my regular fan sites (and yes, I post on more than one) and noticed that someone else was online and posting at the same time.  After I was finished typing up my opinion on what I thought about the sneak preview of Grimm, I looked up and saw that the other online person had just posted as well.  In summary her post was about what she thought about the new tv shows coming on (yay for less vampires and more fairytales) and how she had met someone on the bust that liked the same shows.  After reading half the post I realized that she was talking about me!  I immediately messaged her and we thought it was weird (but cool) that we were both on the same sites.  We have agreed that we are now "freaks for life". I'm so happy.

This day has proven that even freaks can find friends if they keep looking.  Even with a swollen knee and insane wind, it was a good day.  Now lets just hope that I can write this much in my classics essay tomorrow!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Worried Writing

Since I am jobless and I'm a natural worrier, I have been venting my worry the best way I know how: by writing.  So far I have started several short stories and what could quit possibly turn into a novel.  Anyone who knows me knows well that I rarely continue with stories for more than a year so I have no idea how these are going to turn out.  However, I have been going back and looking at all of my old stories and drawing parts of them into my new ideas.  Strangely enough my school work has helped me with creating my fantasy world.  Between learning about ancient Greeks, both the culture and Hellenistic history, and anthropology I have been able to create an almost perfect fantasy world.  the only problem now is the names.  The character names I have, or at least I have the first names, I always have problems coming up with the surnames.  The city names are the hardest part though.

Unlike characters, cities don;t have obvious personalities that I can look at which is very problematic for me.  When it come to characters I look at their personalities and choose a name that has a meaning that is important to that personality, or sometimes to the back story of the character.  The problem with cities is their personality depends on the people who live there, the landscape surrounding the city, the founder of that city, the peoples who lived in the city previously, and possibly the ruler of the city.  Even  most cities in Canada are named after people who are important in society of religion, the landscape or something that was found there.  For instance Kamloops means meeting of the rivers and was named by the first nations group that lived there before Europeans arrived.  St. John's was named after a catholic saint, Regina was named after a noble, Moose Jaw obviously named because of a moose jaw that was found, even Canada itself was named by the first nations that lived here.  The problem I'm having is that I'm writing about a fantasy world.  They don't have the same religions, myths, political structures, language, or heritage that we do.  So how do I name the cities?  Basically I have to make up an entire civilization from politics to beliefs and their history just so I can know what name would be suitable.  Thankfully I can make parallels to this world.  For instance I decided to name the royal city of one of the countries Aletes which is similar to the name of a city on an island described in Egyptian myth which some believe was the island of Atlantis.  Most people wouldn't make the connection right away, and even those who do wouldn't be sure that the city was going to be destroyed right away (which it very well might be, I haven't decided yet).  Therefore it is the perfect name for it.  After the destruction of the city (somewhere between chapters three and thirty four) some will notice the similarity and then understand all the foreshadowing and hints that had been there since the beginning.  Not only is this a cool way to give the reader something to connect the fantasy world to ours, it also gives me as a writer something to base my work off of.

Now that I have gone totally off topic (did I mention that I have a fever and am exhausted?) I think this is where I should stop.  I may even continue on when I wake up tomorrow.  hopefully by then I'll have enough brain cells to be able to decipher this goobly gop of writing and be able to write an explanation for what I was trying to say here.         

I have that feeling

Somehow I don't think that I'll be making my 100 post goal.  I'll probably be lucky to make it to 50.  Anyway, I have been having a bit of a rough time lately.  My knee hurts, I had to quit my job, I have a cold, and I'm about to go insane from reading too many school books.

Most f my courses require an enormous amount of reading each night and after being kept at work until midnight I found it nearly impossible to stay awake long enough to absorb any information. Of course if I had known that they were going to keep me until midnight (or later) every shift I never would have taken the job.  They did warn us at orientation that our shifts had "estimated end times depending on business" but I thought that they meant that if there were a bunch of customers we might have to stay a half hour later than scheduled.  What I didn't expect was to be kept more than an hour, sometimes two, after I was scheduled off.  Not that this would have been a problem except that the buses stop at 11:30pm.  So not only was I kept later into the night than I like I was forced to walk home in the dark.  Thankfully I live in  a fairly safe city, but it was still unnerving especially when the homeless people started to try and talk to me.  I don't have anything against the homeless but I'd rather not meet them alone at night on a dark street.  And how could I ever forget the time the manager called me into the office just to discuss that a coworker, possible coworkers, had reported that there was "an offensive odor" coming from me.  Like that wasn't embarrassing at all.  All in all it was a case of bad management and I really should have taken the hint when I heard that almost all of the old staff had quit. 

There is an up side to this though.  Every time I think that things can't possible get worse things suddenly change for the better.  I was down to $3 to my name and I got a job at McDonalds, I needed money to pay rent after school started and I got a job at the theaters, and just when I thought I wouldn't have enough money for rent and food I remember that I still have money left on my vise gift card.  Of course all of that will only last me the next couple of weeks, but I guess that God just likes to keep me guessing.  If there's one thing that He has taught me over the last year is that everything goes by His time not mine and it always works out better that way.  And hey, now I can go to the archaeology society meet and greets and mixers.  Who knows, maybe there's a professor there that needs someone to organize some papers.  Here's praying.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Problem with the "Tales of Starlight" Series and a Discovery of a Wonderful New Author

There was something bothering me the entire time I was reading Bryan Davis' most recent series.  I couldn't pin-point what it was, but something was wrong.  I finally found out what had been bothering em after reading a fabulous fantasy novel by Kristin Cashore.  After comparing the two stories I realized that while Cashore had been careful to avoid any words that are associated with our culture Davis had put in tons of ideas and words that make me think of my everyday life.

The biggest thing that made me think of our world was the Cattle Camps that are spoken of often in Davis' books.  It makes sense to call a camp filled with half-starved children a Cattle Camp here in our world (and that's just part of the story, I'm not that morbid) but are there any cattle in that world?  That world already has dragons and felsh-eating, talking bears, but do they keep cattle?  And if they do keep cattle, are the animals kept in appalling conditions like they are here or are they just kept on farms?  I agree that the rem cattle camp gives me a strong image, but at the same time it ruins the thought that the story takes place in another world.  it would have been better to name is something else or at least mention that the camps reminded a character of the places cattle were kept.  Anything to make it sound like it really belonged.

Of course, most people wouldn't have realized that something was wrong unless they: 1. read a lot of fantasy novels; 2, pick everything they read apart; or 3, have read an excellent fantasy novel before.  I happened to have noticed something was off because I read lots of fantasy novels and like to pick stories apart but I never would have known exactly what was wrong if it hadn't been for Kristen Cashore.  I initially picked up her book because it looked interesting and it was on sale.  Needless to say I was VERY pleased with my purchase.  As for exactly what I though of her books, I'll leave that for my next post but I would highly recommend her books to anyone who likes fantasy novels.


There is nothing to do... I've applied to every store that's hiring or will be hiring within the next few months.  Now all I have to do is walk around a few times a week to make sure people remembers I applied and check for any new "help wanted" signs.  For the moment I have nothing to do.... I'm so bored!!!!  I've even gone so far as to rearrange my room multiple times to pass the time.  On the bright side, I have this room as good as it's going to get without moving the broken furniture.  However, now I have nothing else to do....  I'm considering re-reading all my books and then going to get more from the library.  And of course, I'm still waiting for my loan application forms.

It's times like these when  I wish that I had tv.  At least I could mindlessly pass some time watching the news or something.  Well, I could always go and take pictures of the city, but, right now at least, that's out of the question due to a painful headache.  Oh what I wouldn't give to have a chat with some of my friends back home.  Or make some good friends here...

After thinking about it for a while, I realized what my problem with making friends is.  I tend to become friends with people who have similar interests as me.  Unfortunately most of my interests are solitary activities.  For instance, I can't make friends playing video games because the games I play are offline, single players games.  Also I can't make friends while reading a book because I prefer to read in a quiet place where there aren't too many people.  I have been told to join a book club but the problem with that is there are no book clubs that I know of that read the types of books that I like.  I love books that have insights into real life while pulling the reader into a fantasy world.  and of course I have other standards as well such as it has to have clean language, no sex and can't be focused on the use of magic. I also despise romance novels.  A majority of them are predictable, shallow and make a mockery of what God intended love to be.  So if anyone knows of any book club that reads decent books, let me know!

Done that

I love that many of my friends and acquaintances are working in fast food places and trying to get me to work with them.  After going through what I did at McDonalds I can safely say that fast food really isn't my thing.  Now I'm hunting for a good retail job.

Unfortunately, most retail jobs want you to have previous experience.  I don't have any sales experience and the cash register that I have been trained on is different than those that are in retail stores.  Then again, it's much more straightforward ringing in items in a retail store.  Unlike a fast food place I wont have to worry about going through multiple menus to change how something is made.  It'll be as simple as scanning the item.  I can't wait until someone hires me so I can get off my butt and do something all day.  Well, something other than bake, play video games and type.    

Monday, June 27, 2011

Been There

My very first job was everyone's worst nightmare: McDonalds.  However, because of my great managers and coworkers I came to enjoy my work.  However, there are a few reasons why working the front counter at a fast food place sucks:

1. You can't choose your customers.  There are five types of customers that eat at McDonalds: the ones who know right away what they want to order but say the order too fast, the ones who have no clue what they want and stand around for five minutes trying to think, the ones who change their order five times or more before they're happy, the ones who ask stupid questions, and then there are the ones who know what they want and order at a decent speed.  The fifth type is the most rare.  I don't know how many times I had to call a manager to cancel an order because someone changed their minds.  Of course in a sit down restaurant it's not that bad because you only annoy the waitress.  The real problem is that in a fast food place the kitchen starts to make your food as soon as you order it.  That means that if you change your order five times the kitchen has made five meals.  The people who ask stupid questions are also annoying but for the most part you just have to give them an answer and everything will go smoothly.  It's the people who stand in front of you and take ten minutes to know what they want that really annoy me especially because they always come during the rush.  Here's the thing, if you don't know what you want to order and the restaurant is busy, let someone else go in front of you in line until you know what you want!!!!!  The longer you stand in front of the cash not knowing what you want the more annoyed the worker and other customers get!  Also, while you are ordering, please don't say it at lightning speed.  There are various menus that the workers must go through in order to get you a burger with no pickles, onions or sauce and it takes a few seconds to do that properly.  Of course I thought all theese things would annoy me the worse, but I was wrong.

2. There is always cleaning to be done.  When working in a busy restaurant you always have to clean something.  There are table to be wipes, trays to be washed and floors to be swept.  Unfortunately people tend to be stupid, which makes your life harder.  For instance, in the McDonalds I worked at there are three garbage bins in the dining area.  One of those bins was in the middle and the other two were in more out-of-the-way areas.  For some unknown reason people always put their garbage in the central bin even if it was obviously overflowing with junk.  Even more annoying were those people who left their trays on the tables because they thought there was no room in the garbage bin.  However, if one would look around one would easily see that there was another garbage bin LESS THAN TWELVE FEET FROM THE OVERFLOWING ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  There are also those who insist on leaving their trays on the table even when they are more than able to take them to the garbage bin.

3.  You have to depend on other people to get things done.  Not that having to depend on people is a bad thing, it can just annoying when the people you're depending on are getting things wrong.  For example, when you are taking orders you rely on the people making the food as well as those who are bringing the food to the counter.  I have run into many problems when there has been a mix up and the wrong food is brought out.  Unfortunately, whoever is closest to the customer gets to hear all the complaints so it's usually the order taker.

Thankfully I will never have to deal with that ever again, but I do miss my coworkers.  On the bright side I can go and visit them whenever and we live in the same city so it's not rare to run into them.  Now to find a new job......   

Friday, April 15, 2011

Finals Frenzy

I hate final exams.  There is so much to remember and since I'm living in residence I have to worry about moving out.  Thankfully there are people here that are willing to drive my junk to my new home.  Of course I don't get my room until May first so I will be staying in someone's guest room for twelve days.  My future housemates said I could sleep on the couch, but a bed and free food sounds better.  It's going to be a busy few days, but I'm moving out on Monday!

I can't wait to move!!!!!  There are weird things going on in the house.  The weirdest thing is the poop in bags in the stairwell..... There are some really messed up people living here and I don't want to become one of them.  Anyway, that's all I have to say.  I'm too mentally exhausted to type anymore.....

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Miniscule Motivation

I thought that writing blogs was hard enough, but having to write English essays just to learn how to write essays is even worse.  I admit to having a lack of motivation.  I don't want to write any more essays unless they have a point.  I'm sick of being asked to write about anything just so long as it's two pages long, and having my English prof glare at me, and my classes in general.  Although most of my professors are nice (obviously not including my English professor), the material is very boring and it makes going to lectures an all out chore.

Here is how my average day goes:
I wake up exhausted from hearing people walking in the halls all hours of the night and laughing until midnight in the next room over.  Walking to my minifridge, I pour myself some cereal only to put it down and forget about it until it has become complete mush.  After shoveling my poor excuse for cereal into my mouth I stumble to the bathroom to take a shower.  I go to my preferred shower stall at the far end of the bathroom and step inside.  Peeling the giant hairball off the shower wall, I turn on the water and wait for it to heat up.  Some mornings the water is so cold my feet instantly go numb which causes me to jump and almost lose my balance.  After regaining my balance, I step into the limp stream of water coming from the shower head whether it is warm or not.  In fifteen quick minutes I am finished and starting to dry off.  This is one of the worst parts of the shower as I must dry off right under one of the bathroom fans.  No matter how quickly my towel moves the cold air always seems to find the one spot of cooling water that I missed.  I quickly jump into my bathrobe and head back to my room.

In my room I encounter many more problems.  My main problem is my roommate does not wake up until I am back from my first class.  Knowing that she needs her sleep I try to be as quiet as possible in the mornings.  However, quietly getting changed in the dark is not an easy thing to do.  Opening drawers, putting on pants and trying to get a shirt off of a metal clothes hanger are not things done quietly.  Then I have to finish the rest of the assignments that are due that day.  I scribble down the answers and quickly finish typing up an essay or two.  After that I'm all ready to go to my classes.

My classes are the main reason that I have lost my motivation.  Math is boring by nature.  It is made even worse when the professor doesn't speak English well and looks even more tired than I do.  It is the only class that I have ever been to that makes me even more tired than I was when I arrived.  I then have a couple hours before my next class which I use to go over notes and attempt some more assignments.  My next class is classics which is the only course that I enjoy.  Although the professor speaks in a monotone he makes jokes and the material itself is interesting.  During these classes I actually take good notes and enjoy learning.  For about ten minutes after that class my motivation almost returns.  Unfortunately, right after that I have to go to biology which is like math: boring by nature.  Biology courses in later years may be more interesting, but for the time being I am stuck learning about bacteria and viruses at lightning speed.  There is a lot of information to understand in very little time.  Add a lab component to that and you get a down right evil course.  I then stay in my seat and wait for my next class to start.  Chemistry is the class that I dread the most.  It is boring, complicated and requires math.  I usually zone out after a few minutes and only come to in time to move out of the lecture hall with the rest of the students.  Heading to the lab I have to dodge speed walkers and slowpokes alike.  When I finally arrive at the laboratory I have to change into my lab coat and get ready to play with some chemicals.  After a long and painfully boring experiment, I am finally free to go back to my room and work on assignments.

Once back in my room, I have to clean up a bit and eat.  On the days that I have labs I usually don't have time to eat lunch so I am starving by the time I get home.  Sadly, the dining hall I have to eat at has very few good healthy meals that I can eat.  Being allergic to soy and chemical preservatives makes eating anything not prepared by hand difficult.  Of course I can't cook for myself because I don't have the pots and pans and I have nowhere to store them in my room.  My most common meal is cereal.  When all else fails it is always there to fill my stomach.  After eating there is work to be done and eventually bed.  Of course it is difficult to sleep when lights are on so my roommate has to deal with the one small reading light she has.  It is usually an hour before I am finally fully off in dreamland.

That's my life as it is right now.  Not fun and very tiring.  On the bright side it is almost over and soon I will be in a house where I can cook my own meals and have an entire room to myself. In fact I signed the lease this morning and I got the master bedroom.  I need the extra space so I can expand my book collection and have a place to put all the reference materials I'll need for my archaeology major. 

Now it's time for me to sign off and go to sleep.  Good night y'all!!!! (Why "y'all"?  Because  I felt like it!!!!)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Falling Behind

Well I am now officially four blogs behind what I should be.....  And I have no real motivation to write anymore.  In all honesty my life is so boring that I wish I didn't even have to live it yet alone write about it.  My average day is spent going to class, coming back, studying and trying to ignore all the people around me so I can try and write something.  it's boring and it's nearly impossible to write.

Nothing fun happens in class.  A prof may try to make a joke,  but it's rarely funny.  The only fun times I have is when my room mate and I have interesting conversations.  Even then the conversation dies down as we both realize that we have a ton of reading to do and only a few short hours in which to do it.  It's not so much that I'm busy, I'm just really bored.  For instance, my math professor has given up on even trying to make the subject interesting and my biology professor just reads out of the textbook.  I feel like they are just trying to cram stuff into our heads without even attempting to make it enjoyable.

Ironically the class I enjoy the most is my elective: heroes in Greek mythology.  My professor in that class speaks in a constant monotone, but he is very witty and makes fun of the stories we read.  He also visibly enjoys the subject he is teaching.  I would even go so far as to say that he likes to teach classics!  To be honest,although I do like to read myths and legends my professor is who really got me interested in the subject by pointing out all of the similarities to other myths and legends.  There have also been class discussions which make the class so much more interesting!  I just wish that all ym professors were so excited to be teaching.

Well, that's all I have to complain about for today.  Now I have to study for my biology test tomorrow and the lab quiz that I have on Saturday (my lab was canceled because of snow so I have to do it on the weekend).

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Evil Exercise

My back hurts.  I think that I slightly pulled something during high low abs yesterday, but I still went to zumba simply because it's fun.  I actually made it through the entire class without quitting but there were a few times when I wanted to.

I haven't written much because there hasn't been much going on.  I basically study and go to class with the odd book reading in between...

Well there you are...  I posted.... It counts.... Now I need to go to sleep so I can do boring things tomorrow.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Cardio Kickboxing Kicked My Butt

I tried very hard to stick with it for the whole hour, I really did.  Unfortunately I am even more out of shape than I had thought.  So in the end me and my friends ended up giving up half way through.  I honestly didn't expect it to be that intense.  Then again I also didn't expect my hip to start hurting.  However, even though it's difficult for me right now I'm going to stick with it, and I'll even still try out zumba tomorrow.  In short, if you don't hear from me you now know why........

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What Have I Gotten Myself Into?!?!?!?!?

As I have said, I am trying to write 100 blog entries this year.  I know that they don't have to be long, but it's me we're talking about, I can't help myself.  However, I am also in an English class where I have to write 8 journal entries as well as 5 essays and I am also in Latin which takes up a lot of time.........  I'm now starting to think that this may have been a bad idea.  Then again I always do best when I am busy and ding things that I enjoy, and I obviously enjoy writing.  Of course you'll have to wait until the end of the year to see if I really love writing or not.............

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Moving: Must Massage Myslef

I have officially moved into the new house.  It was harder than I thought mostly because all my joints and muscles decided that it was a good day to have a panic attack.  Also, I had to carry everything from the fourth floor to the second floor in the old boulding, then across the parking lot, and then from the first floor to the fourth floor in the new building.  Not a fun experience.  Thankfully I found someone who was willing to carry my fridge, and I am very happy that I did (though he did put a dent in it). 

Being as bored and tired as I am, I decided to look at random news clips on the internet.  Most of the news was either boring or depressing, but there were a few stories that interested me.  The first one was a slightly old article about a ballerina that was called overweight.  Of course she was not called this by a doctor but a critic who watched her dance.  I would like to note that it is nearly impossible for a professional ballerina to be overweight considering that they dance for at least eight hours every day.  However, this article also brought up the discussion of whether or not ballerina's are too thin and have to much pressure put on them to be thin.  That would be a yes.  I mean how many people think of some tiny stick woman when they think of ballerinas?  Now how many people think of a woman with lots of curves?  My point exactly.  I wish that there was a place where young ballerinas could train professionally without all of the pressure to be thin.  In fact, or at least according to a health site I went to, the number one reason that ballerina's retire early is because of the health issues they develop from malnutrition.  Wow.  Speaking of health issues, I also looked up more about the birds and fish that suddenly died Arkansas.  As usual there were tons of alien theories about how we're all going to be abducted and experimented on.  My question would be why?  So they can fully understand exactly how we can be so stupid as to ruin our own planet?  Anyway, it looks like it is just a disease that spread throughout the animal population there.  The simple proof of this (which I happen to agree with) it that only one species of fish and one species of bird were harmed.  I doubt that aliens would have been able to be THAT exact.  The last story I read through was about Avril Lavigne's new album coming out.  The only thing I could think of was: what about Krystal Meyers.  For those of you who don't know, I only listen to christian music and so I don't really care about Avril, but there is a christian artist (Krystal Meyers) who releases her albums around the same time Avril does.  There was really no reason in saying all that but hey, it's my blog and therefore my brains spewed on the internet.

Tomorrow is going to be a bit busy with fee payments, a new student ID (hopefully one that will let me in the house this time) and getting ready for classes.  Thankfully all the moving is done and I can now just rest, and maybe even get a bit of sleep tonight!!!  Good bye for now all you really bored people who read this blog.  I hope I write to you within the next week or so.... if not NAG ME!!!!!!! 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Goodbye 2010, Hello Long Lineups (And First Blog of the Year!!!)

Finals, Christmas, and New Year's have come and gone, but I did not write a blog.  I'm sorry.  I got so overloaded with finals and then catching up on lost sleep that I kept forgetting to write.  I also had nothing to really write about.  However, as there are lots of changes happening tomorrow I thought that I should bring you all up to speed.

Firstly, winter semester is about to begin.  In three short days (okay, three and a half) I will be back in stuffy lecture halls and even stuffier laboratories.  Unfortunately I did fail a class.  Surprisingly it was only one class.  Some of you may think that me even failing one class would be surprising, but the amount of adjusting I had to do really threw me off, well that and having to eat the "food" they serve me here.  Due to this failure, I had to rework my schedule.  Although I am not taking all the classes I want I did manage to put Latin back in, which makes me unbelievably happy.  The fees surrounding this semester I don't like as much. Firstly, there is a certain form one must fill out in order to get a BC student loan sent to you.  There was no mention of this until today..... BC may be beautiful, but the government is apparently trying to kill university students...

Secondly, I am moving to a new house.  The house in residence that I am currently living in needs to be renovated so everyone here is moving to a newly renovated house.  The only bad part about this situation is there are just under 100 people who need to move within two days.  Not only does everyone have to move in, we all have to move our stuff from one house to the other.  So there are going to be a few hectic days of running from one house to the other.  To think, it all starts tomorrow.  Everyone gets to be in a long line just so they can get to their rooms and then stand in another long line the next day to pay off their fees.  Anyone who knows what universities are like knows that the line for the cashiers office the first day it's open is very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very long.

Thirdly, I have some new year's resolutions.  I rarely make resolutions and I even more rarely keep them, but I thought that these were important
1. I will attend every lecture regardless of boredom unless I pass out or have chronic stomach problems, in which case I will go to the doctor's.
2.I will more carefully read the ingredients of all the food I buy in order to ensure that there is no soy and will give up eating any products containing soy.
3.I will exercise with my friends at least once a week, even if it means that I must play tennis.
4.I will try to eat at more regular times and eat proper portions of food.
5.I will attempt to go to bed before 10pm every night and wake up by at least 7am every morning.
This is the longest list of resolutions I have ever made.  None of them are particularly difficult, but if I am able to do all of these things I think that I'll be healthier and happier.

I have no more to say other than merry Christmas and happy new year to those who I haven't talked to, and I will try to write at least once every week... Okay to be realistic, every other week.  To be honest I don't think that they will be as long as this one, but that's because this is my first blog of 2011!!!!  Oh, there's an idea.... how about I aim to write over 100 blog entries this year!!!!  That's what I'm going to do!!!  Make sure to cheer me on, okay?