Thursday, October 27, 2011

It's Official, I'm a Geek!!!

Of course everyone that has known me for over 2 years knows that I am a freak.  I mean this in the best way possible.  I am a freak in the sense that I don't fit in the mold of what most people consider to be a "normal teenage Canadian",a fact that I am rather proud of.  And although I love being outside of the mold, I have always found it hard to find friends.  Unfortunately, most other people my age are trying to fit into the mold so they can be accepted and find friends.  For me to find someone that's interested in what I am and enjoys talking about it is rare thing, so in most cases I only find such people on fan sites. However, the unimaginable has happened today!

On my way back from Future Shop (I got a ride up there to get my wireless keyboard, but then my ride got stuck in traffic so suggested I take the bus back) I was standing at the bus stop where I have to transfer buses.  Normally it's only a 10 minute wait, but this time my bus had arrived early and the second bus was running 15 minutes late.  After having to stand in the insane wind (apparently gusts up to 90 km/hour) and rain someone else decided to seek shelter at the bus stop.  The girl looked around my age and was listening to some music.  When she went to take her ipod out of her jacket (and yes it was an actually ipod, not just any mp3 player) I noticed that she was listening to Superchick!  I got a little excited and was trying to figure out what to say when she turned to me and asked if I knew where to buy christian music.  An odd question, but a good conversation starter.  From there we talked about shows we liked (Fringe, Doctor Who, Grimm, and several anime came up) as well as music, manga, and books.  There were a few differences of opinion, but we agreed about most things.  We talked the entire time we waited for the bus and while we rode the bus. In the end we got off at our own stops and never asked for eachother's contact information.  The really cool part happened two hours after I got home. 

I went onto my regular fan sites (and yes, I post on more than one) and noticed that someone else was online and posting at the same time.  After I was finished typing up my opinion on what I thought about the sneak preview of Grimm, I looked up and saw that the other online person had just posted as well.  In summary her post was about what she thought about the new tv shows coming on (yay for less vampires and more fairytales) and how she had met someone on the bust that liked the same shows.  After reading half the post I realized that she was talking about me!  I immediately messaged her and we thought it was weird (but cool) that we were both on the same sites.  We have agreed that we are now "freaks for life". I'm so happy.

This day has proven that even freaks can find friends if they keep looking.  Even with a swollen knee and insane wind, it was a good day.  Now lets just hope that I can write this much in my classics essay tomorrow!!!

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