Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Why are There No Good TV Shows?

I know that not all of the new shows this season are bad, but there are only two that seem interesting.  Of course there's always Fringe, Castle, and House to watch when I'm bored, but I was hoping that there would be a good scifi show.  Don't get me wrong, I'm loving Once Upon a Time and Grimm looks interesting, but I want my geeky scifi back!

And for those who say that there are a bunch of good scifi I will have to let you know about my standards for a good tv show.  First of all, the show can't have sex, or at least not in your face sex (I can let a hint at it in the next room sort of thing slide) in the show.  I don't need to see that and it usually ruins the story.  Secondly, it has to have fairly clean language.  All swearing does is demonstrate how limited your vocabulary is and how unimaginative the writers are. If you think that that much swearing is normal, go read a dictionary.  Thirdly, the contents of the show have to be plausible or explained well enough in the show to make you think it's plausible.  For example, Doctor Who has ridiculous science (like time travel) but at the same time it has ideas about technology taking over the world.  For example, we all know that there are no such things such as cybermen, and yet the thought that our need to connect instantly with others and share information in the most efficient way possible was the cause of the downfall of the world makes us feel uncomfortable.  I like shows that use social norms to make the viewer feel uncomfortable.  Lastly, the show has to have good characters.  If a show has overly serious or one dimensional characters I can't stand to watch them!  So if you know of anything that fits all of that then let me know!

Now I better get back to studying.....  But now all I need to do is finish a couple papers and study for finals. Oh and get a job, that would help too :D   

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