Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Scary Public Private Information

I just watched a Doc Zone (yes, I love watching documentaries in my spare time) about the amount of private information that's put up on Facebook.  First of all, I don't like facebook.  I don't mind sharing my day with my friends, but I only want to share it with my friends.  I don't really understadnt eh concept of "facebook friends".  If I don't know a person in real life I'm not going to have them on my facebook. Secondly, why do people put up such stupid things on facebook?!?!?!

There are things that you should put on facebook (graduation ceremonies, hiking trips, weddings) and things you shouldn't (party pictures).  Of course, if you're like me you have a name that's fairly common (I think there are about 80 people with the same name as me on fb right now) so the chances of an employer finding you is slim.  However, there are still ways to find people on facebook and if someone like a prospective employer finds you on facebook and discovers the summer party pictures, they might not give you another call.  It's to the point now that if someone has me tagged in a picture I remove that tag (now that they finally let you!) and I try to avoid situations when I might get a weird picture taken of me.  On the bright side, I don't like partying anyway so the chances of a questionable picture of me being taken is slim to none, but I know people who are trying to look for jobs now that they've graduated university and are having a hard time because of those pesky frosh party photots.

I admit that I have some information of facebook too.  I think you can see my name and age, and if you're my friend you can see my birthday, photos and interests, but I like to keep to myself as much as possible.  I even try to keep this blog fairly anonymous.  I know I haven't mentioned my name, I don't think I've said my age, I'm not even sure if I've mentioned my gender (though you can probably easily guess).  It is rather easy to guess whereabouts I live, but there aren't many options when you move to Newfoundland.  I don't even like telling people about me face to face.  It's not that I think that everyone is bad,but I think that trust should be earned, and how is anyone supposed to do that over the internet?

In the end, I guess I just don't get social media.  It can be nice to keep up with old friends and plan events but I don't like everyone seeing into my personal life.  Having everyone reading my thoughts as I think them is creepy (which is why I read over every blog post more than once to make sure nothing weird is in them) and I'd rather not have that happen!!!  so be safe, and set your privacy setting!!! And if you want to be extreme like me, when you sign up for something and they ask for you to put a location in your profile, type that you're in outer space, on the sun or in wonderland!!!
  You stay safer and others get a giggle :D

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