Thursday, September 29, 2011

I have that feeling

Somehow I don't think that I'll be making my 100 post goal.  I'll probably be lucky to make it to 50.  Anyway, I have been having a bit of a rough time lately.  My knee hurts, I had to quit my job, I have a cold, and I'm about to go insane from reading too many school books.

Most f my courses require an enormous amount of reading each night and after being kept at work until midnight I found it nearly impossible to stay awake long enough to absorb any information. Of course if I had known that they were going to keep me until midnight (or later) every shift I never would have taken the job.  They did warn us at orientation that our shifts had "estimated end times depending on business" but I thought that they meant that if there were a bunch of customers we might have to stay a half hour later than scheduled.  What I didn't expect was to be kept more than an hour, sometimes two, after I was scheduled off.  Not that this would have been a problem except that the buses stop at 11:30pm.  So not only was I kept later into the night than I like I was forced to walk home in the dark.  Thankfully I live in  a fairly safe city, but it was still unnerving especially when the homeless people started to try and talk to me.  I don't have anything against the homeless but I'd rather not meet them alone at night on a dark street.  And how could I ever forget the time the manager called me into the office just to discuss that a coworker, possible coworkers, had reported that there was "an offensive odor" coming from me.  Like that wasn't embarrassing at all.  All in all it was a case of bad management and I really should have taken the hint when I heard that almost all of the old staff had quit. 

There is an up side to this though.  Every time I think that things can't possible get worse things suddenly change for the better.  I was down to $3 to my name and I got a job at McDonalds, I needed money to pay rent after school started and I got a job at the theaters, and just when I thought I wouldn't have enough money for rent and food I remember that I still have money left on my vise gift card.  Of course all of that will only last me the next couple of weeks, but I guess that God just likes to keep me guessing.  If there's one thing that He has taught me over the last year is that everything goes by His time not mine and it always works out better that way.  And hey, now I can go to the archaeology society meet and greets and mixers.  Who knows, maybe there's a professor there that needs someone to organize some papers.  Here's praying.

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