Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Moving: Must Massage Myslef

I have officially moved into the new house.  It was harder than I thought mostly because all my joints and muscles decided that it was a good day to have a panic attack.  Also, I had to carry everything from the fourth floor to the second floor in the old boulding, then across the parking lot, and then from the first floor to the fourth floor in the new building.  Not a fun experience.  Thankfully I found someone who was willing to carry my fridge, and I am very happy that I did (though he did put a dent in it). 

Being as bored and tired as I am, I decided to look at random news clips on the internet.  Most of the news was either boring or depressing, but there were a few stories that interested me.  The first one was a slightly old article about a ballerina that was called overweight.  Of course she was not called this by a doctor but a critic who watched her dance.  I would like to note that it is nearly impossible for a professional ballerina to be overweight considering that they dance for at least eight hours every day.  However, this article also brought up the discussion of whether or not ballerina's are too thin and have to much pressure put on them to be thin.  That would be a yes.  I mean how many people think of some tiny stick woman when they think of ballerinas?  Now how many people think of a woman with lots of curves?  My point exactly.  I wish that there was a place where young ballerinas could train professionally without all of the pressure to be thin.  In fact, or at least according to a health site I went to, the number one reason that ballerina's retire early is because of the health issues they develop from malnutrition.  Wow.  Speaking of health issues, I also looked up more about the birds and fish that suddenly died Arkansas.  As usual there were tons of alien theories about how we're all going to be abducted and experimented on.  My question would be why?  So they can fully understand exactly how we can be so stupid as to ruin our own planet?  Anyway, it looks like it is just a disease that spread throughout the animal population there.  The simple proof of this (which I happen to agree with) it that only one species of fish and one species of bird were harmed.  I doubt that aliens would have been able to be THAT exact.  The last story I read through was about Avril Lavigne's new album coming out.  The only thing I could think of was: what about Krystal Meyers.  For those of you who don't know, I only listen to christian music and so I don't really care about Avril, but there is a christian artist (Krystal Meyers) who releases her albums around the same time Avril does.  There was really no reason in saying all that but hey, it's my blog and therefore my brains spewed on the internet.

Tomorrow is going to be a bit busy with fee payments, a new student ID (hopefully one that will let me in the house this time) and getting ready for classes.  Thankfully all the moving is done and I can now just rest, and maybe even get a bit of sleep tonight!!!  Good bye for now all you really bored people who read this blog.  I hope I write to you within the next week or so.... if not NAG ME!!!!!!! 

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