Sunday, May 20, 2012


I have been recently surrounded by people who are going through trials in their relationships.  Out of all the things that people talk to me about relationships are the one topic that I don't understand at all.

Besides the fact that I have never dated anyone (and have no plans to within the next few years), I just don't understand how people can be so almost overly attached to another person.  Although this could be because I haven't had a deep relationship before, I also think that it just might be my personality.  Since it's summer and I talk mostly to university students I have been hearing about how couples have to spend months apart.  For me that doesn't sound like an earth shattering event, especially since most of the couples knew that it was going to happen when they started dating.  However, now I have to deal with sulking girls whose boyfriends have already left, and extremely clingy couples how have become attached at the hip.  I understand how it would suck to be separated and how you might want to spend some extra time together, but ti seems like there's a whole lot more PDA than normal.

And yes, I do not like seeing PDA aside from hugs and the occasional kiss.  Why?  Because walls and doors were invented for a reason, use them!  Of course this doesn't make any of the couples in my life very happy so I have been trying to avoid them as much as possible by studying.  Personally as much as I don't like being separated from people I love I know that I'm going to be at some point in life and I know that we wont be apart forever so I learn to deal with it.  I guess I just can't stand to be around people who are almost purposely making themselves depressed.  There are other things that you can choose to think about other than the fact that you can't see your loved one for a while.  I don't mind the first few cry sessions, but some of the girls I know have been depressed for over a month now and all they choose to think about is how depressed they are.  I'm not saying that it isn't sad, but I think that there are far better ways to handle things.

To make things worse some of the girls I know have come crying to me and asked for advice.  I'll say it again: I have NEVER dated anyone.  So why exactly do some people think that I have any good advice for them?  I've watched other people in relationships and I've heard stories about the good and bad,but I have no clue what to say.  Saying nothing doesn't work either because then they think that I don' care, which I do.  I wouldn't complain about them if I didn't care enough to hate how they're hurting (even if I think they're going too far).  So I have to come up with something that always ends up sounding cheesy.  That is how my last few weeks outside of classes has been....

Moral of the story: don't ask me for relationship advice.  I really am clueless!

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