Monday, November 22, 2010

A Barfin' Good Blog

It is now 12:22 am Newfoundland time and I have been in the bathroom for four hours.  Normally I hate being in the bathroom, but when I'm barfing every thirty minutes, I thought it would be safer to stay here than try and keep running back and forth from my room.  How am I typing this in the bathroom?  Well after about two hours people started to notice that I hadn't come out and came to check on me.  I kept saying I didn't need anything but I adventually asked for some bread, pills and my computer.  I am now fully set up in the bathroom.

Now there are many people here who think that I should go to the hospital and get a shot because I have been vomiting for four hours.  Of course for those who know what happens when I get a serious stomach flu know that it's not a big deal.  I have barfed for an entire night before and then been far better the next day.  Though I'm thinking of going to the doctor's and getting a sick note for my lab tomorrow.  The smell of the chemistry building always makes me a little sick, I can only imagine what will happen if I go as I am now.  Then again they would believe that I was deathly ill.... Hmmmm..

Well, I was bored and in the bathroom so I decided to write.  I really have nothing so say.  On the bright side I have been able to keep down a piece of bread for a half hour so I may be able to go to bed!!!  A nice warm comfortable bed sounds really nice.  It is now almost 1am and I really don't want to be here any more.  Strangely the atmosphere does not bother me but the fact that I am vomiting, despite my nearly non-existent gag reflex really bothers me.  I wonder if it's some sort of problem with pride?  hat could be it.

So off to bed to hopefully get some sleep and not come to the bathroom for at least three hours.  Nighty Night!!  Or is it Morning? 

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