Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dorm Life, Classes, Pudding, a Bleeding Finger and Church

So  have been in my dorm for over a week now and have discovered many things.  First of all there are many people here who like to drink especially on Friday nights.  I wouldn't mind if it wasn't for the fact that it stinks like beer in the halls and many people like to bang on doors to try and get more people to drink.  Of course there are also people who do not think that "I don't drink" and "I'm underage" are good enough reasons to stay away from the bar.  Thankfully the staff on my floor is very strict and extremely nice.  If I am really having problems she will kindly kick them to one of the other floors or have the escorted out of the building.

Of course dorm life is not the only thing I have in university.  I have already had to switch some classes, and so now I have class from 9am-5pm everyday.  Not fun.  Obviously not all of those hours are taken up by lectures, but there are always three hour labs, two hour tutorials, and at least three hours of studying.  I have already had a quiz, and it was in Latin....For those of you who know how I did on French tests, I'm sure that you can imagine the pain that I suffered while doing the quiz.  Actually, the real pain was in the studying, mostly because I fell asleep in class on Friday and forgot that there was a test on Tuesday.  Not the best way to start off university, but I blame jet-lag.

The food here.....that is a very dangerous topic.....In all honesty it isn't too bad, especially considering you don't have to make it yourself!  The best thing about the dining hall is that there are many options.  There is a breakfast area that is open all day, a sub place that is open at lunch, an Italian style lunch and dinner place, a grill that serves the typical greasy cafeteria food, a vegetarian spot, and a desserts table.  I have tired to eat at every place at least once and try almost everything that is served.  So far I have found out that I can never become vegetarian, fish doesn't like me, the burgers are disgusting, the fries are decent, the Italian food smells good (haven't been able to go there yet), and the pudding is okay.  Of course I have no right whatsoever to judge the consistency of the pudding, as a few of you may know, my parents most of all, but it just tasted a bit off.  Then again it was the first time I have eaten caramel pudding in at least three years, so it is possible that I just forgot what it is supposed to taste like.

Last of all, yes I have a bleeding finger, which is odd because I rarely bleed.  It started with a hang nail peeling back too far and then it just kept bleeding!!!!  I finally broke down and put a band-aid on it though that was only because blood kept getting on my work. 

Now that you have way too much information, let's go on to a nicer topic.  I went to church on Sunday.  I decided to check out Westend Baptist Church, and I'm really glad that I did.  The pastor was very straight forward and directly said that if you don't have a foundation in Christ you aren't a true Christian.  There are very few pastors who would dare to sat that, and yet this one did which made me very happy.  Also, I was exhausted from going to Subway at 11pm, and I didn't fall asleep during the sermon, so it was most definitely interesting.  Of course the best thing about nay Chruch is that they usually have a meal or some snacks after the service.  Being that Sunday was the first service after the start of university there was a giant welcome picnic!!!  This was very nice as I only get two meals on Saturday and Sunday.  My room mate has now graciously allowed me to use her fridge to store some milk so I can have breakfast, but last week I didn't have that so I was very glad that there was food.  I also made some friends with other university students, all of which were a good three years older than me,  but at least I have some people to talk to. 

Speaking of people to talk to, I have noticed that after the first initial shock of moving, I have become much more open to talking with people I don't know.  I've even gained enough confidence that I am going to volunteer for Let's Talk Science.  For those who don't know what LTS is, it's an organization that lets university students go to elementary and high schools and lead demonstrations, judge science fair projects, give a tour of a labratory, and other such activities that get kids excited about science.

So that's all that I have to say, and now I must go to Latin!!!! 

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